Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Jennifer's Running Tips, Installment #4

Here are a few ideas on how you can relax and enjoy yourselves during these times without completely ruining your diet and exercise routine.

  1. Try to run/walk at least 20 minutes every other day. This little bit of running will help you maintain all the hard work you have put in.
  2. Convince the family to take a walking tour of your vacation spot.
  3. Play in the pool. Swimming laps or even just treading water are great ways to add some physical activity to your day. Why not revisit some of those silly games you played as a child in the pool? Your kids may just start to think you can have fun.
  4. Eat and drink in moderati on. Go ahead and have dessert (same thing with fried chicken, alcohol, etc), but ask a loved one or friend to split it with you or take a small piece.
  5. If you are planning on a heavy dinner then try to eat a light lunch. Just include some good fats (from nuts and fish), protein, and carbs so you won’t be soooo hungry by the time dinner comes that you overeat.
  6. Ok, so you ate way too much at dinner the night before. Still eat breakfast! Without breakfast you will be more likely to overeat at lunch- which just continues the cycle! Egg whites, fruit, and whole wheat toast is a great breakfast option that won’t bust your britches.
  7. Enjoy yourself and don’t worry if you exercise less than you wanted to or ate more than you needed to. When you arrive back at home, just get back on track with your diet and exercise plan. Don’t be critical of your downfalls, praise yourself after getting back on track.

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