Monday, September 7, 2009

On Track

Since the beginning of the running program, 7/25/09, I've completed 44.5 miles in a total of 609.25 hrs. I'm not counting the walking that I do to warm up and cool down - just when we're doing our running (well really jogging) stint. I've lost 9 lbs so far -- and that's despite the fact that I ate horribly pretty much every weekend. I'm getting too many empty calories from alcohol on the weekend, but I'm not quite ready to give up drinking when I'm chilling. I'll have to revisit that later.

This morning, I missed the group work out but Derek and I went to Lake Lynn around 10am and did a little bit more than 3.25 miles in 40:45. We're still doing the 5 min running/1 min walking ratio and I think I'm ready for a 6:1 based on today's run! I have to run on my own tomorrow night b/c I have a dinner with the girls, so I think I'll try doing the 6:1 and see how it goes.

My schedule this week:
Monday - Run at least 3 miles (DONE!)
Tuesday - Run at least 4 miles
Wednesday - Swim 3400 meters
Thursday - DAY OFF - MY BDAY!!
Friday - Swim 3400 meters (I'll only have an hour to complete, so whatever I can get done in that time)
Saturday - Run 3 miles (with the group)
Sunday - Bike 12 miles (somewhere in Concord)

Inspiration on how I'd like to look again (and this was taken in college when I was "fat"):


  1. I think what you are doing is awesome and I'm so glad you've found a running group! I totally understand how you've felt in the past - Being gone 11 hours a day for work and commute time, I have no time to work out. I am already waking up at 5:30 am. I do go for walks at night with Sunny and Mark, but don't really have time to do much of anything else. Good luck with your program!

  2. That really sucks, P! I can't imagine that sort of a commute. I think it would drive me crazy!
